Change Cambodia 2016 – 2017


Have you ever wondered why you were born in your country? Is it your destiny to change your country? If that is the case, I believed that I can change my country, Cambodia. Growing up, we pictured our-self as who we are in the future, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer or even a millionaire. However, we were just kids who kept dreaming big. Unfortunately, we’re older, we have more decisions to make and to bring the dream of changes to reality. But, is it possible to change your country? Mike Jaffe once said, “ Small steps lead to big changes.” This is so true. If you can’t change your country now don’t be upset because if you plant an apple tree today it won’t give you apples tomorrow. So, the best way to start it is to plant it first and water it along the way, Give your full effort to make your dream become reality. In this year of 2016 – 2017, I’ve seen myself bringing changes to the country with Liger as the ladder to support my steps.


During my life, as a citizen of Cambodia, I can see some points that I wanted to implement my ideas into. Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

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Khmer Marine Life Scripts

In this class we make script that tells people about marine life.

សាលាអន្តរជាតិ ឡៃហ្គ័រ

SCRIPT អំពី: ព្រៃកោងកាង

ឈ្មោះ សិស្ស : ១)  ចាន់  ដាវីឌ –  ២)  ឆ្លមសេរី និរ្តនរ – ៣) ពេជ្រ សុវណ្ណនូ


និរន្តរ : ប៉ាអើយប៉ា! ថ្ងៃនេះបា៉ នាំខ្ញុំហើយនឹងចែទៅណាទៅប៉ា?

ដាវីឌ :  អូ កូនប្រុស! ថ្ងៃនិងហាស់ ប៉ានិងនាំកូនហើយនិងមីចែកូនឯង ទៅលេងកន្លែងមួយដែលប៉ាធានាថា ពួកកូនទាំងពីរនិង


សុវណ្ណនូ :  អួយបា៉! ទៅណាទៅណ៎?

និរន្តរ : អួយចែ! ចែអែងសួរច្រើនមេ៉ស ប៉ាយើង តែគាត់ថាពិសេសគឺពិសេសហើយ! កំុសួរច្រើនពេក។

ដាវីឌ : អើ អើ!  តោះយើងទៅ!

និរន្តរ : ប៉ា?  អាវេងៗនោះ ហើយនៅក្នុងទឹកនិងគឺជាអ្វីទៅប៉ា?

Continue reading “Khmer Marine Life Scripts”

Minister Day

On 12th January we have a big day at our school. The day of ministery and that mean 40 to 50 people from the ministery will come to see us do the presentation. We devided into many groups and my group is the guide for Liger. In my group we have six peoples wich include me and we devided into 3 group and there are around 50 peoples coming and they devided into 7 group so it mean two group do two time and one group do three time. Your is not really hard because we always talk what we want to talk about our school.


This is me and my friend (blue shirt)