Statistic: Correlation

In this term in math, we kicked off with statistics. We covered some areas of Statistic such as, Analyzing categorical data, Summarizing quantitative data, Modeling data distributions and Exploring bivariate numerical data. One of the topics that was quite challenging to grasp was Exploring bivariate numerical data, specifically correlation and causation. To help us with this topic, we send out a survey with numerous quantitative categories — such as height, weight, number of pens, etc — to Liger students. Then, we used the data we collected from the survey as examples for us to study correlation by graphing scatter plots. 

An example of a scatterplot between two variables.  

SAT Prep – Literacy

Similar to Math, this term we are focusing on SAT. Since most of us are having trouble reading historical passages from the SAT, our facilitator assigned an article about America history, from CommonLit, every week and we try to analyze it together. We choose articles related to America’s history because most historical passages from the SAT are based on America’s history.

Due to the fact that English is our second language, the style of writing, the languages the author used back then were very challenging to understand.

Khmer Poem.

Since last year, we had been writing poems about different topics and the start of this year, we started to conduct all of those poems into a book. With students who were working on editing the book, editing the poems and do writing pieces, the book came out well and made its first debut at the Khmer Literature festival. A poem is a way of communicating or expressing one’s idea through writing or dictating in rhymes and rhythm. It was a feeling of sensation and nostalgia when reading some of my friends’ poem.

SAT Prep – Math

In math this term, we have been grinding hours in practicing the SAT for the SAT test on October 6th, 2018. We had two weeks of SAT intense boot camp at the beginning of the school year to prepare ourselves for the test. But, before the test come knocking our doors we have time to practice; personally, the only way to be confident and be comfortable with the test is to practice. Since SAT is one of our tickets to getting a good university, I need to sacrifice my time, even if it means I have to pause playing Fortnite, and avoid procrastination and practice the test facing it head-on.

Literacy: Ancient Civilization

In this literacy unit, we are focusing on ancient civilization. Specifically, we were studying ancient Greece gods and goddesses. Based on this theme, each student has to pick a god, a goddess or a monster from the myth of ancient Greece. From all the list of gods, goddesses or monsters, I picked Medusa.

To depict information we had researched about the character we choose, we had to do some projects that encompass, research paper, character profile, discussion questions, etc.

In this post, I’m sharing my research paper about Medusa.


Medusa Myth

Niron Chhlom


Imagine the power of turning anyone into stone with only a gaze. This lethal power possessed by Medusa, the Gorgon, who has venomous snakes as hair locks, skin with green scales and a hideous appearance.


Most sources described her as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto the Sea Titans. She had two sisters, Stheno and Euryale, who were immortals but unfortunately, Medusa herself was mortal. Surprisingly, out of all, Medusa was the brainy one and her name indicated she was the queen of her sisters. Some sources claimed, Medusa lived and died on the island named Sarpedon. But some others claimed her home was Libya. During her life, Medusa vowed to celebrate her entire life as a priestess of Athena.


Despite the fact that she was a gorgon, she was the symbol of protection. She was on the breastplate of Alexander the Great. Even until today, two species of snakes were named after her. Most sculptors and vase-painter envisaged her as beautiful as well as petrifying. On the other hand, in feminism, she symbolized rage.


The legend of Medusa derived from many sources but mainly Ovid (the Roman poet). Her story goes, she was a priestess of Athena and her beauty was so captivating that it captured Poseidon’s heart. Unfortunately for her, she got raped by Poseidon in the Athena Temple that enraged Athena who then cursed Medusa to a hideous gorgon…


Who once had gorgeous hair that intoxicates men.

Who once has pure white milky skin that reflects any light.

Who once has beautiful eyes that were very captivating.

Who once gorgeous, exquisite and beauteous.


As the story continues, Perseus, a demigod,  decapitated Medusa and gave her head(that still possess the same power) to Athena who then put it on her shield as a protection.


Although Medusa was widely known as a hideous monster, she still earned her spot as a protector. What’s more surprising is the fact that she had her, “profile engraved on the coin of the reign of Seleucus I Nicator of Syria from 312-280 B.C”.


Works Cited, A&E Television Networks,,,


“Medusa.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,


“Myths and Legends.” The Story of Medusa and the Greek Goddess Athena,


<a href=””>Medusa:</a> – Greek Gods & Goddesses, February 7, 2017

Independent Discovery: Architecture

In my architecture independent study, I found a 2D contemporary house on Google and try to replicate it in 3D. Soon after, I created a 3D model of it using Sketchup. In fact, creating my first 3D model was not easy, due to lack of knowledge and experience in the software I’m using. Although this was kind of challenging, I found some resources on the internet and managed to grab a few of the tips and tricks to get the designing processing flowing. Additionally, I’m planning on making the same model from paper materials just to see the tangible model that I designed in Sketchup.

Aside from my current project, I look forward to future projects as I’m trying to grasp foundation in architecture.

Screenshot of my design.


Angkor Wat – Running and Biking

On December 2nd of 2017, a group of Liger students participated in a #bike4kids biking experience around the ancient temples at Seim Reap. For some, it was their first time but for some others, it was their second times.  On a subsequent day, we also participated in a 10km run. Initially, we’re trained for the half-marathon, but due to time-constrained, we weren’t able to get enough training so we joined the 10km run. There were more than 5000 participants including 15 students from our school. Surprisingly, it took me 57 minutes to complete, which is what I didn’t expect because I expected I would run slower than that but most importantly, it was my first 10km run.  

Animal Guide

For this past months, we’ve been out to different tropical places around Cambodia. The purpose of doing so is to gather information about species of animals. But the primary goal of this exploration is to publish a book about different species of Cambodia animals. There also alternative ways of gathering information, such as online resources, experts, and printed resources. It took us about 6 months to publish the book. The paintings inside were originally painted by the Liger Leadership Academy students. Below is the cover of our book called, The Illustrated Guide to Wildlife of Cambodia

Image result for the illustrated guide to the wildlife of cambodia

Alternative Book Ending

Image result for crossover alexander

This is an alternative ending to a book called, ” The Crossover.” In fact, it is also one of the books that I enjoy reading.  Below you will find the alternative ending to the book I wrote.


Along the way to the basketball game inside the car, everyone was quiet as a statue. Finally, Josh and JB arrived the court to play their last game of the season. While Josh and JB were late to their basketball game, Mr. and Mrs. Bell were heading to the bleachers. Josh and JB went straight to the bench and got ready to join the warm-up with their teammates. Coach yelled from five seats away, “You two are late again! Get ready to warm up!” Josh replied, “Yes coach!” Since the incident happened between JB and Josh, JB hadn’t spoken a word to Josh even though his mom tries to persuade JB that it was just an incident, but JB isn’t the amenable person. Training was over, everyone gathered up in front of the coach, and as coach delivering speeches to everyone, Josh always looks at JB, and his eyes were spelling the word, “sorry” but JB didn’t even give a glance back at Josh.

Everyone was ready for the game, except Josh and JB because they still got their head in their dad’s situation. Before the game started, Josh looked at the bleachers for his parents and unfortunately, he couldn’t locate them anywhere around the bleachers. Josh kept looking at each of the exits, and he caught his parents going through one of the doorways. “Josh! Put your head in the game!” Coach yelled. The team was going to the court, but coach stopped Josh and gave him a private speech, “Josh, put your head in the game man, we’re going to lose if you and your twin are not communicating.” Josh nodded with a worried look. Josh joined the team and gathered everyone including his brother.

Game started.
The clock is TICKING!
A FaKe left and past RighT to JB
JB turn
Jump ‘n
The basket goes SWOOSH!!!!
This is not an easy game.

The clock buzzed, the third quarter was done, they’re down to 46 and 38, coach gathered everyone. Josh was still thinking about his parent. Surprisingly, JB came in and asked Josh, “What’s going to happen to dad?” Josh worriedly reply, “Not sure bro, let’s hope our dad is okay.” The ref whistled, and everyone backed in the court,

JB, chest passed to Josh
Josh, behind the back and crossed right, opponent’s ankles broke
And up head passed to Vondie
Vondie passed to JB for THREE!
The clock is ticking for the last 25 seconds this final season game. The crowd was roaring, the ball was bouncing, and the players were screaming, JB was thinking, Josh was staring at JB. Two opponents were coming up to Josh. He bounced passed to JB.
The score is 77 to 75
JB quick pass to Vondie closed down by two defends, Behind-the-back-pass to Josh, 15 seconds to the buzzer
Josh Triple TREAT
GO left
Behind the BACK
BETWEEN the legs
A blind pass to JB in the open space.
JB got the court to himself, 5 seconds left.
JB rises straight, aiming for the trajectory to the basket
The crowd was silent as a big empty building
Nothing but net!
JB the buzzer beater!
The game ended, 77 to 78, the Wild Cat won!
After the game, Josh and JB rushed through the exit and ran to the hospital for a 100m nearby the school, and quickly asking people for the emergency room and dashed through the door to the emergency room. There they found their mom waiting outside the room.

With the twins praying for their dad and holding their mom’s hands from both sides. After 10 minutes, a doctor came out with a small smile on her face. “His condition is better right now, but further treatment is needed.”

A month later, Mr. Chuck Bell recovered, and even though he now has no problem with patella tendonitis, he chooses to be a basketball coach for the Wildcat and a coaching consultant. As always, after school, before dinner, the boys and Mr. Bell would go to the park and practice basketball.

PSAT 2017

Image result for khan academy psat

To prepare for the SAT, our facilitators decided that we all should take the PSAT from Khan Academy. This event happened on the 14th of October. Many students weren’t prepared for this, but this is just to give us the feeling of what it’s like to take a four-hour test of which we’ve never experienced before. Being apart of this event really helped me map out what I should be studying to achieve my goals.