Independent Discovery: Architecture

In my architecture independent study, I found a 2D contemporary house on Google and try to replicate it in 3D. Soon after, I created a 3D model of it using Sketchup. In fact, creating my first 3D model was not easy, due to lack of knowledge and experience in the software I’m using. Although this was kind of challenging, I found some resources on the internet and managed to grab a few of the tips and tricks to get the designing processing flowing. Additionally, I’m planning on making the same model from paper materials just to see the tangible model that I designed in Sketchup.

Aside from my current project, I look forward to future projects as I’m trying to grasp foundation in architecture.

Screenshot of my design.


All of my Independent Discovery

My first ID (independent discovery) was about bird because I pasionate about bird so I decide to research about it by my own but before that I have learn in animal guide group which research about animals so I have a lot of experience. Some of my experience are fun like when we went to Prek Toal (floading village) in Tonle Sap Lake and looking for birds and we event swim in that lake. By the time it ends I did another ID and it about super cars.


My dream was to make flying car but that is a big dream so I try to research about it step by step until I get to the big step. Mostly I like to play car games or remote control (RC) car sometimes I event turn RC car into RC boat. Car are not easy to research because it have different type in one company so we need to search the specific name like when I want to research about car in Lamborghini compnay I need to know the real name like, Lamborhgini Aventador. I really wondered at everything that I see and interestin about it.
