Animal Guide

For this past months, we’ve been out to different tropical places around Cambodia. The purpose of doing so is to gather information about species of animals. But the primary goal of this exploration is to publish a book about different species of Cambodia animals. There also alternative ways of gathering information, such as online resources, experts, and printed resources. It took us about 6 months to publish the book. The paintings inside were originally painted by the Liger Leadership Academy students. Below is the cover of our book called, The Illustrated Guide to Wildlife of Cambodia

Image result for the illustrated guide to the wildlife of cambodia

Change Cambodia 2016 – 2017


Have you ever wondered why you were born in your country? Is it your destiny to change your country? If that is the case, I believed that I can change my country, Cambodia. Growing up, we pictured our-self as who we are in the future, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer or even a millionaire. However, we were just kids who kept dreaming big. Unfortunately, we’re older, we have more decisions to make and to bring the dream of changes to reality. But, is it possible to change your country? Mike Jaffe once said, “ Small steps lead to big changes.” This is so true. If you can’t change your country now don’t be upset because if you plant an apple tree today it won’t give you apples tomorrow. So, the best way to start it is to plant it first and water it along the way, Give your full effort to make your dream become reality. In this year of 2016 – 2017, I’ve seen myself bringing changes to the country with Liger as the ladder to support my steps.


During my life, as a citizen of Cambodia, I can see some points that I wanted to implement my ideas into. Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Continue reading “Change Cambodia 2016 – 2017”

Change Cambodia 2014 – 2015

First, i’m just a small kid and I want to change Cambodia. To change a country is really hard so I need to start with a smaller step. I have notice Cambodia has a lot of problems. My first solution is I need to change people’s thinking. Also to change people’s thinking it really hard but we’ll try by teaching the small kid to be a good person. So in the future, they know what is bad and what is good. Some solution I couldn’t do but I would like to share. The first solution is we could make an activity and call the villager come to listen to us and I know some people don’t like to come and listen, instead, we can spend some money to buy something for them. I know it will cost some money but some of this money is less than the future. Now there is one group have written books animals of Cambodia, that is a good idea to change the people at the countryside because most people live in the countryside, they hunt animals for sale or for feed their family. Now I had tried to encourage other be trip and sharation. I had learned from Liger a lot and I already start to change my family first then we I’ll try to change my neighborhood. I know everyone wants to have a happy life but they never think how to make their life be happy. Every village wants to have a good education but they never think how to make a good education. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child but in the future, I will become a man I will put childish away. I hope everyone can change Cambodia to be a better country.

Robotic competition in Singapore

Hi my name is Niron I’m 13 yearsold. I’m one of the member in robotic competition in Singapore. There are many national team from Singapore but our team came from Cambodia which is an international team. They do the the robotic competition every year and this the topic is about world class. The challenge is to sovle the problem in the robot board. We can program the robot to sovle there problem and another thing is we have to do prsentation to the judges to get more point. Next year the topic is going to be about trash and we give other people chance to sovle this problem.

World_Field_Setup PicMonkey Collage

Here are all the robot board

How I change Cambodia



How I change Cambodia
First i’m just a small kid and I want to change Cambodia. To change a country is really hard so I need to start with a smaller step.
I have notice Cambodia have a lot of problem. My first solution is I need to change people’s thinking.
Also to change people’s thinking it really hard but we’ll try by teaching the small kid to be a good person. So in the future they know what is bad and what is good. Some solution I couldn’t do but I would like to share. The first solution is we could make an activity and call the villager come to listen to us and I know some people don’t like to come and listen, instead we can spend some money to buy something for them. I know it will cost some money but some of these money is less than the future. Now there is one group have written books animals of Cambodia, that is a good idea to change the people at the countryside because most people live in countryside, they hunt animals for sell or for feed their family. Now I had try to encourage other be trip and sharation. I have learn from Liger a lot and I already start to change my family first then we I’ll try to change my neighborhood. I know everyone want to have a happy life but they never think how to make their life be happy. Every village want to have a good education but they never think how to make a god education . When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child but in the future I will become a man I will put childish away. I hope everyone can change Cambodia to be a better country.